Scenes from the South: Maryland and West Virginia

All right, all right. So Maryland and West Virginia aren’t really “The South” as we know it from TV, what with its charming drawls and sprawling antebellum architecture. But it’s south of New York and besides, “Scenes from a Few of the Mid-Atlantic States” just doesn’t have the same sexy ring to it. Anyway, Dan … Read moreScenes from the South: Maryland and West Virginia

A Weekend in Waterford, Ireland: What to Do

From city life to its stunning coastline, the southeast Irish city of Waterford has plenty to offer its array of visitors from all over the world. By basing yourself at the Waterford Travelodge, you have access to all of the delights that both the city and its outskirts have, and there are plenty. As the … Read moreA Weekend in Waterford, Ireland: What to Do

Wroclaw, Poland: The Little You Know of Yourself // Part III

This is a story from our time in Europe, and it’s a true story, and it’s coming in parts. This is part three, probably of four. To read part one, click here. To read part two, click here.  Days passed. We got sick to our stomachs, stopped drinking the water, drank mostly beer instead. We ate a … Read moreWroclaw, Poland: The Little You Know of Yourself // Part III

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