Getting Swimsuit Ready for Winter Beach Getaways

Phi Phi Ley Beach Thailand
The gorgeous waters of Phi Phi Ley beach in Thailand.

We get to this point in the winter and we know there’s a long time to go before summer – especially with the freak weather this year. If you can’t wait, the only way to improve the situation is to get away now to a sunnier clime with a great beach!

But covered as they are at the moment in thick layers and winter coats, our bodies just might not be ready to reveal themselves in a bikini, no matter how warm the sunshine. So, with a warm-weather break (hopefully) just around the corner, how can you get bikini-ready in time?

Always Be Eating Well 

And “well” is different from “a lot!” Nutrition is forever, not just for summer. Seriously, what someone puts into their body dictates what they get out of it. A healthy diet reflects the amount of exercise an individual takes and nutritional balance is all-important; a moderate path is best as far as rich and fatty foods are concerned.

If an individual exercises regularly, his or her diet should be based around starchy, wholegrain carbs, with plenty of protein for muscle tone. Wholegrain will help to release energy slowly, throughout the day; proteins and fats make you feel fuller for longer. Fresh veggies and fruits keep the skin and eyes clear, as well as delivering precious vitamins. Junk food should be eaten once in a blue moon; if you keep your balance right, it doesn’t matter about the odd misdemeanor.

Exercise is Good for Everything, Especially for Feeling Good!

However it’s done, exercise is an amazing thing. It stimulates serotonin production – the feel-good hormone. Everyone should go for a run, take a swim, or take up yoga! [Editor’s note: Heck yes everyone should take up yoga!] Not only does it make weight loss easier and shapes up the body, the inner freshness splurges out all over the place. No one likes running in the bad weather – plus sometimes that’s not even the safest thing to do – but there are always fun fitness classes at the gym, all year round.

Get Pampered (a.k.a. Treat Yo’ Self) 

Donna & Tom know what’s up.

Even sticking to both of the above, the human psyche is a tough nut to crack, and the winter months are hard. Despite all the good things being done, some people still might not feel “bikini-ready.”

Getting a few sessions in at a beauty salon could be worth every cent in terms of building confidence to summer levels prior to a holiday away. It isn’t just about facials and pedicures, where you can hardly see any changes. A big change that is easy to achieve is the removal of excessive hair that has appeared in unmentionable places. Someone who takes a photo of laser hair removal before and after for comparison will really experience the feel-good factor. Seeing the difference right there following laser treatment or the amazing Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal is the perfect way to boost self-confidence and get on with looking forward to some sun while wearing your favorite bikini. 

Guest post by Aimee Claire, a freelance writer based in the U.K. Thanks for contributing to Of Revolt, Aimee! // Photography Credits: One and Two.

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